Yellow fin tuna in organic extra virgin oilve oil, 200g can

Trancio intero di tonno Pinna Gialla in olio di oliva
simbolo bio

Yellowfin tuna, caught and handcrafted as per the best tradition. Tuna is inserted into the can by machine using modern certified slicing equipment.
Organic olive oil, which constitutes 29% of this product, is obtained by the use of plants exclusively used for the transformation of “organically grown” products. The olives for the production of this oil must be collected in such a way as not to compromise their quality.
It has a clear and clean flavour, exhalted by the scent of organically grown EVO oil, the pink meat satisfies palates eaten alone but also combined with beautiful salads using its splendid oil as seasoning.

Can and case

12 pieces


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